I’m sure you are familiar with the books, For Dummies.
From the books, the dummies series you can learn how to build your own website.
If you are looking for a business website, you have a choice. Have someone build one for you for big bucks or build one yourself with a template-based do-it-yourself site.
Today it’s easier than ever to build your own site. Platforms like WordPress and Weebly, just 2 of many, make building a website quite simple.
Following the Dummies series books, at last count 4, can get very confusing. Is “Building a Website for dummies” really that helpful? No, I don’t think so.
It can be overwhelming to follow. I had a very difficult time trying to follow their instructions. Also the cost of the books will add up, and that does not include domain purchase and hosting costs.
The books do offer basic information in starting an online business, but you can get that for free on the internet.
If you are a complete newbie, which I was, much of the material overlaps into the different editions, which can be hard to grasp, especially if you are new to all the jargon of computer terminology, HTML and JavaScript. But, you really don’t need to have an in-depth understanding of that today.
Thankfully, today life is so much simpler. What you need to learn is how to create content for your site, the differences between posts and pages, how to navigate your site and how to have it make money for you by adding links.
First you need to decide what your site is going to be about. Do you want to start an online business and if so in what field.
I started my quest to get involved in internet market after I retired. I was very bored and needed something to keep me busy.
Plus the extra money would be helpful. After chasing around for a while, I found a site to help me build a website and how to set it up and get it functioning correctly.
This course includes all the information you need to get going and you don’t need to know codes, HTML, or Javascript.
So do I think you can benefit from “Building a website for dummies”? No, there are much easier way to build an excellent website or more than one.
Check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate and learn how easy it is to get started. Without a credit card or money down.
Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate marketing training available without all the hype. It’s a course not a come-on. No bells and whistles, get rich quick scams, that take your money with nothing to show for it. Pull out your credit card and let us sell you on the latest and greatest get-rich-quick scam, please don’t fall for that, pie in the sky bologna.
Is it easy? No, it’s a lot of work, but it’s the real deal. You can devote as much or as little time to it as your schedule allows. A couple of hours a day or 7 hour a day, or whatever works for you.
There are training courses that you follow and assignments to do after the training, plus plenty of feedback from other members of this wonderful community that are in your corner to help you to succeed.
There are well over 1 MILLION members, some millionaires and some on the road to becoming millionaires. All willing to help you, by guiding you and answering all questions, no matter how trivial.
We are a pay it forward community so there is always help available. Plus, did I say it’s free to join, no gimmicks, no upsells, no credit card. Join us, come in and look around and see if it would be a good match for you. It’s amazing how much information is available to you for free. Very honest and up to date information and no charge to get started. What do you have to lose? Sign up for the Starter program and get started today.
So, save your money from the Dummies’ bookd and start working with Wealthy Affiliate. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks, Deanna and good luck to you. Look forward to seeing you on the inside.
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